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How to Get Rid of Weeds in Grass and Protect Your Lawn

Some people don’t worry about how to get rid of weeds in grass because they know every part of a dandelion can be eaten. You can eat the blossoms, stalk, and roots. Cooked or raw. In salads or soups.

But dandelions can also wreak havoc on your lawn, stealing moisture and nutrients from your vibrant green grass. So, let’s take a look at how to get rid of weeds in grass.

Cutting Out Weeds in Lawn - Central Services of Waukesha

Strategy 1: Crowding Them Out

Although weeds may have their creative uses, such as edibility, they are usually unwanted visitors to our lawns.

One reliable way of how to get rid of weeds in grass is to crowd them out. Support your grass in growing strong and lush, leaving no room for weeds to squeeze in.

Weeds are always looking for opportunities to take root in the most fertile of soil. When your grass is healthy and thriving in the sun, weeds are less likely to push their way in.

Fertilize Just the Right Amount

Under fertilizing leaves grass thin and weaker. This leaves more opportunity for weeds to take root. And over fertilizing can nurture weeds you don’t to encourage in your lawn. Many weeds crave excessive amounts of fertilizer.

Be sure to read the application recommendations and use fertilizer with slow release nitrogen for your soil. This allows for steady nutrients available to your grass.

Strategy 2: Watering Your Grass Sporadically and Deeply

Americans are known for cherishing their lawns. And one of the best ways to keep your lawn healthy is by watering it in just the right way. Your lawn care regimen should include watering about one inch per week in infrequent and soaking strides.

Shallow and frequent watering inspires the growth of certain weeds.

Strategy 3: Mowing Higher

Allowing your grass to grow higher keeps the sun from reaching the ground and drying out the topsoil. It also strengthens the turf by supporting your grass in producing adequate nutrients.

A good height for your grass is typically between 3 and 4 inches tall. But you may want to ask someone who knows about your specific type of grass.

Strategy 4: Resorting to Herbicides

Herbicides are the most commonly used pesticide in homes and garden, with more than 90 million pounds used on lawns each year.

As a good rule of thumb, it’s best to leave the option of herbicides as a last resort. But sometimes nothing else seems to keep the weed population down enough. If your grass is overrun with weeds after you’ve tried the less invasive approaches, you can try the chemicals. Just try to use as little as necessary to still get the job done.

Follow the guidelines and make sure the herbicide you choose is appropriate for your specific lawn.

How to Get Rid of Weeds in Grass

You want your lawn looking lush, vibrant, soft and supportive for your bare feet. And, for that, you need to employ these strategies to keep your weed population down.

If you’re looking to spruce up your Milwaukee lawn for the upcoming season, check us out at Central Services.