Trees are a great way to add value and beauty to your yard. They help improve the air quality, reduce stress, protect natural wildlife, and can even save you money by reducing your energy bill. On average you can save $31 per year just by planting a tree, so what’s stopping you?
5 Signs of Drainage Problems
Flooding in your yard can happen in spring, summer, and even fall in Wisconsin. As long as there is rain, flooding has an opportunity to occur. Flooding happens as a result of drainage problems. Central Services, an expert in landscaping and grounds maintenance, helps resolve any drainage problems you might have. Here are 5 signs you might notice around your home hinting that you need drainage correction.
5 Reasons to Add Pavers to your Landscape
With fall around the corner and winter approaching in Wisconsin, there’s still time to do some outdoor home makeovers. Whether you’ve been considering a redesign for your landscape or updating your patio, walkway or driveway with a new, modern look, Central Services has great options for you with pavers. Here are five reasons to add pavers to your landscape.
4 Facts About Lawn Aeration
As a homeowner, there is a lot to know about lawn care if you want a beautiful-looking yard. One of those things is aeration. Knowing what it is, when to do it, and if you need it are good to know so that you can have, not only a beautiful yard, but also a healthy lawn. Central Services, the expert in lawn care and lawn maintenance, offers aeration services and can help you determine if your lawn would benefit from an aeration treatment. Here are four facts you should know about aeration.
Five Benefits of Mulching
Many homeowners recognize the benefits of mulching as a part of their landscape design. Wisely so, as it offers practical benefits as well endless creative options. Central Services provides mulching services and products and here are five reasons we think mulching is a great idea for any yard.
Why We Say Mulch!
1. Conserve soil moisture
There are several kinds of mulch, but no matter what kind you use it will help slow moisture evaporation so more water remains in the soil and is available to thirsty plant roots. Not only is it beneficial for your plant life, but you’ll also benefit too by having to spend less time watering, especially if you have a large yard and lots of plants or flowers.
2. Protect against temperature changes
Mulch acts as an insulator, helping to regulate soil temperature to keep plant roots cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Mulching is especially important for new plantings done in the fall that are still tender as temperatures begin to plummet.
3. Improve fertility and health of the soil
Wood mulch and mulches made from other organic materials improve the soil as they break down. Microbes and insects in the soil naturally consume the mulch over time, adding the by-products back to the soil in the form of organic matter. Central Services offers a wide variety of mulches and can discuss with you which one can best meet your objectives.
4. Reduce weed growth
How much mulch you use and the area you use it, such as shady or lots of sunlight, will factor into how helpful it is in diminishing weed growth, but it will help. A 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch naturally helps prevents weeds from sprouting and taking over the landscape by blocking their growth and access to sunlight. It can take anywhere from 4-to 6-inch layers however to completely prevent weeds from growing. In shady spots, a 2- to 3-inch layer should suffice, but in areas with consistent sun exposure it may require a little more.
5. Enhance the visual appeal
If you have a creative streak, then this is the most fun addition to the benefits of mulching. Mulch instantly gives your landscape a beautiful, finished appearance. With a variety of color schemes to choose from, the landscape design possibilities are limitless. Use two different colors next to each other in an inventive arrangement and turn your yard into an artistic masterpiece.
Contact Us
Mulching your garden beds is a smart way to reduce labor and energy consumption while enhancing the beauty of your beds and property. Whether revamping the look of your yard or working on it from scratch, Central Services provides the Milwaukee area with high-quality landscaping products and services. Contact us today to learn about our mulching services or to set up a consultation.
4 Reasons to Add Decorative Stone to Your Landscaping
Landscapes can be more than just trees, shrubs, and flowers. Decorative stone can be a modern and elegant addition to your current landscape for any homeowner. While adding a beautiful look to your property, decorative stone can also provide some very practical benefits, making it a great option for any property. Here are four reasons to incorporate it into your landscaping.
It Helps Reduce Weeds
Weeds are a common problem in all yards, some more than others. Although there are many weed-killing products available, there may be reasons why a homeowner prefers not to use herbicides. You may be concerned about other plant life accidentally being exposed to it. Maybe you have young children you know will need to be kept an extra close eye on to make sure they don’t play or walk through it. Decorative stone is a great option for helping reduce weeds because it blocks sunlight that supports weed growth.
It Helps Insulate Roots
For the plant life around decorative stones, it helps protect roots by insulating them from the heat in the summer and cold in the winter. This is especially beneficial during brief cold or hot snaps in weather that isn’t conducive to plant life. Cool soil-loving plants can die if their roots get too warm, just as plants that prefer mild climates will suffer if their roots get too cold.
It Is Durable
In addition to the benefits decorative stone provides with landscape upkeep and healthy plant life, it also is highly durable and will last a long time. You won’t have to worry about needing to replace it in just a few years. The durability and low maintenance of decorative stone mean it can tolerate any weather the elements may bring, making it a solid investment for any yard.
It Is Aesthetic
Last but not least, in addition to the practical benefits, decorative stone can give any yard an extra aesthetic appeal. Not only does decorative stone come in a wide range of colors and textures — from large red granite to multi-colored pea gravel and everything in between, but different shapes and sizes also offer many different options to give you just the right look to add to your yard.
Turn to The Landscaping Experts
With great practical and aesthetic benefits, decorative stone makes a great addition to any residential property. For superior decorative stone installation services, turn to the landscaping artists at Central Services Company. Be sure to visit Central Services website for more information and connect with a professional today.
3 Reasons to Hire a Professional Landscaper
If you’re a homeowner, you may see the necessity of hiring a professional landscaper. Those who do so take pride in making the outside of their home look just as good as the inside. Not only do you want the exterior of your house to look well-kept and up-to-date, but your yard as well. A beautiful yard is the perfect complement to your home. Whether you’re a new homeowner or have owned your home for 20 years, there is a lot that goes into the beginning formation of a new yard, maintaining an established yard, or making changes and updating your yard’s look. No matter which stage you’re at, a professional landscaping service like Central Services has the experience and means to meet your needs. In case you’re still not sure, here are three good reasons to hire a professional landscaping service.
1. Having a professional to collaborate with.
Regardless of what stage you’re at with your yard, unless you already know exactly what you want, it can be overwhelming making decisions with so many options available. If you’re not sure what you want but know you want to do something, having a professional landscaper to bounce ideas off of, brainstorm, and collaborate with about layouts, design, and aesthetics, is a great way to get to your ideal yard and remove some of the stress of trying to make all the decisions on your own. A professional landscaper can also talk with you about the best options for cost and ongoing maintenance. Central Services offers a free initial consultation to discuss your wants, needs, visions, and budget.
2. Knowing you’re getting the right plant life for your property.
Many homeowners decide to just do their landscaping on their own and that can work out just fine. The benefit, however, of having a professional landscaper is that they can help you make sure your property offers the right setting for the greenery you’re buying. With Central Services, a site evaluation will also be done on your current location and soil conditions. This will help determine what plants and hardscapes will perform best for your property. You can have peace of mind knowing your money is being well-spent and not having to worry about shelling out more cash because new plants or trees need to be purchased.
3. Getting to see what it can look like before going through all the work.
DIY projects can be a lot of fun and very rewarding. But sometimes what you picture in your mind and what actually is created can be two different things. A professional landscaping service can provide you with a visual of what the final product looks like and take away the guesswork of what the finished result will be. Central Services will provide you with a site plan/design drawing that includes all planting and hardscape details; the design will have an individualized plant and material list as well that is included with the drawing for you.
Turn to the Professionals At Central Services Co.
Between having a professional to collaborate with, having peace of mind you’re getting plants that will thrive in your location, and getting to see a pretty good idea of what the final product of your financial investment will be, hiring a professional landscaping company is a great option for any homeowner. For more information on the landscaping services Central Services can provide for you, check out their website, explore the landscaping tab and more.
Protecting Your Garden from Rabbits and Deer
A common landscaping problem mid-westerners face is how to control the local deer and rabbit population. These creatures, while beautiful to observe, can cause a lot of damage to your landscape. Try the following if you have a problem with rabbits and deer.
If you want to keep rabbits out of your landscaping, you should have a fence high enough to prevent them from jumping over it. Three feet is typically a good height to keep rabbits out.
Rabbits may also try to dig under your new fencing. Be sure that your fence is buried six inches to keep this from happening.
Keeping out deer is another matter. A fence must be 10 to 12 feet high to properly keep deer from jumping over. This is unrealistic for many landscaping enthusiasts. However, there are a number of alternatives to fencing.
There are a variety of sprays being made to deter rabbits and deer from nibbling at your beautiful landscape. These sprays typically have a bad odor and taste to protect your plants from becoming lunch for deer and rabbits.
Repellent sprays should be sprayed on and around your plants. Don’t be afraid to use a lot, and remember to spray the soil and objects all around your garden. Spraying your yard’s perimeter deters many animals from entering in the first place. Continue to spray every 3-4 weeks.
Many landscaping enthusiasts also use predator urine as a sort of natural repellent for deer and rabbits. Coyote urine will deter rabbits, while Mountain Lion urine is the preferred repellent for deer.
There are a number of plants that deer and rabbits detest.
Rabbits have strong noses and strongly dislike plants with strong scents. They particularly dislike earthy smells. Plants rabbits are known to dislike include, but are not limited to: lavender, sage, butterfly bush, artemesia, and columbine.
Deer dislike certain plants as well. They tend to stay away from trees such as blue spruces, common hackberry, and Douglas fir. Deer have also been found to dislike lavender, chokeberry, goldenrod, delphinium, and chocolate flower.
The perfect way to keep rabbits and deer out of your garden or yard is a combination of all of the above methods. It is important to protect your landscape throughout the upcoming summer. Check out Central Services’ other landscaping blogs to create your perfect summer garden!
Creating a Butterfly Garden
Now that Spring has come around, you may be interested in creating a butterfly garden. Butterfly gardens add beauty and brilliant color to your landscape, but they also do so much more than that.
Butterfly numbers have been dwindling in recent years. Creating a habitat for these creatures in your very own yard will help the species survive. Furthermore, it can be fun and fascinating to observe butterfly behavior and identify different types.
Butterfly gardening is not as complicated as you may think. Simply choose a sunny location in your yard and plant caterpillar plants as well as plants that produce nectar for butterflies. Try to avoid using pesticides and herbicides, take care to moisturize your plants, provide shelter with trees and shrubs, and learn to identify caterpillars.
Choosing the Right Plants
When deciding on which plants to use in your new garden, choose ones that are good nectar sources.
Plant large sections of each type of flower. You want to have a large diversity of flowers that bloom at different times to attract the most butterflies to your yard. The butterflies will enjoy having a variety of nectar sources to choose from.
You should also include caterpillar food plants in your butterfly garden.
Butterflies lay eggs on food plants, and caterpillars will rely on the host plants for food. When you plant groups of each plant species, any caterpillar damage will be less noticeable.
Creating the Right Conditions
Be sure to provide shelter and resting spots in your butterfly garden. Trees and shrubs are great places for butterflies to roost overnight and escape predators and harsh weather conditions. Pick a sunny spot for your new garden, and include large flat rocks. Rocks provide butterflies with a place to warm themselves in the sun.
Keep your plants well moisturized. When you mulch beds with composted leaves or shredded bark, you reduce the need for constant watering. This also adds nutrients to your soil.
You should avoid using pesticides and herbicides. Pesticides kill butterflies, caterpillars, and many other beneficial insects. Herbicides wipe out dandelions, which are a great nectar source.
Fill a small, shallow container with sand and keep it moisturized. Butterflies will sip water and nutrients from here.
Finally, do your research! Once you identify the kinds of butterflies you have in your garden, you can read up on their preferences. Some butterflies prefer rotten fruit or sap to nectar. You can place a dish of rotten fruit out for these special cases.
In Conclusion
Butterfly gardens can be as rewarding as they are beautiful. Take the time this spring and summer to create a safe space for endangered species in the comfort of your own backyard!
What to Do to Your Yard After Winter
A midwest winter can really take a toll on your yard. Heavy snow will kill your grass and create unsightly patches on your lawn. You can restore the appearance of your yard and make it beautiful for the spring season with the following tips.
Eliminate Dead Turf
Getting rid of any dead turf is the first step to restore your lawn to its former glory after winter. Inspect your yard for dead turf. To eliminate the dead turf, simply pull any dead grass from the soil. The dead grass doesn’t have any roots bound to the soil, so removing it should be a fairly easy task. You can remove the dead turf with your hands or use a rake to save time if you have a large yard. Eliminating the dead turf will allow water, fertilizer, and oxygen to reach the roots of your grass.
Reseeding is the next step to restore your lawn after winter. You should wait for the frost to thaw before you begin this process. Ideal soil temperatures for reseeding are between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to till the soil on your lawn up to four inches deep. After tilling, rake the top of the soil in order to remove debris and weeds. If weeds are a big problem for you, you can apply a pre-emergent weed killer before your lawn resumes growth. Finally, scatter your seeds onto the soil. Be sure to do this evenly, using either your hands or a mechanical seeder. Rake the soil lightly, covering the seeded areas with a quarter-inch area of soil. Water the seeded areas regularly until the seeds begin germinating.
As mentioned, watering your newly seeded lawn is important. You should irrigate your lawn either daily or weekly depending on the amount of rain you are receiving. Deep watering helps greatly in the germination process, which is vital to restore your lawn. You want to supply enough water to your lawn so that it is moist, up to six inches deep, allowing the grass to form deep and strong roots. Irrigation stops your grass from drying and keeps it vibrant and beautiful.
If you want to restore the health of your lawn after winter, you must fertilize. The soil and roots of your lawn need nutrients in order to prosper and stay healthy. You can use either high-phosphorus fertilizer or organic manure to improve your soil’s fertility. You may want to consult with a professional to choose the right fertilizer for you and your lawn. The knowledgeable team at Central Services is happy to help.
Caring for your yard properly post-winter will leave it looking beautiful and refreshed. Once your yard is properly restored, consider implementing some of our Spring landscaping ideas.