
Tips for Fall Mulching

Mulching is a great way to protect your plants and nourish your soil in anticipation of winter. During the winter, the ground is in a constant cycle of freezing and thawing, and mulching helps to prevent extreme temperature fluctuations in soil that stress your plants out.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Mulch This Fall

1. Mulch With the Best Materials Available to You

Straw is preferable to leaves, which compact, provide less absorption, and resist absorption. If you do decide to use leaves, it is recommended you shred them to help them decompose more quickly, or combine them with other materials (such as straw). Grass clippings and animal manure are also good choices.

Wood by-products, such as bark chunks (pine bark is an especially good choice), provide good insulation. Your local tree service may be willing to provide you with wood chips for cheap or even free.

2. Don’t Mulch Too Deeply

Remember that while you want to have maximum insulation, you also want any excess moisture to evaporate. If you mulch too deeply, it is more difficult for this vital evaporation to occur. The recommended mulch depth is 3 to 4 inches for medium- to coarse-textured materials.

3. Anchor Your Mulch

You want something that won’t blow away come the first winds of winter. Shredded leaves and straw, while good mulching materials, can blow away easily. If you live in a windy area, you may want to consider anchoring your mulch with chicken wire or other material available to you.

4. Don’t Let Mulch Pile Up Around the Trunks of Trees or Bases of Shrubs

This is often referred to as volcano mulching. Volcano mulching will keep your trees and shrubs from drying out properly and can also create the perfect conditions for rot and disease. The mulch area should extend to the drip line of the tree branches or cover a 4- to 5-foot diameter around the trunk.

5. Stay Away From Moldy Leaves

If your leaves have started to decompose, you may not want to use them. Leaf mold compacts tightly and creates a barrier between the air and the soil.

6. Organic Mulch Should Be Composted or Treated Before Use

This will kill insects, weed seeds, and disease mircroorganisms. Composted mulch also tends to have a more uniform texture.

7. Consider Mowing Fallen Leaves

This is an easy and effective way to mulch. Mowing shreds the leaves, allowing them to decompose over the winter. Your grass will thank you for this source of nitrogen in the spring.

8. Think About Your Mulch’s Presentation

While mulch’s functionality is important, you also want a mulch that is visually appealing in your landscaping. As mentioned earlier, composted mulch tends to have a uniform texture, which gives it better curb appeal.

9. Keep Your Mulch Thick

While many people try to save money by spreading a thinner layer of mulch, this doesn’t allow it to properly insulate roots and retain moisture loss. We recommended you maintain a 3-inch layer of mulch.

Remember: It Is Never Too Late to Mulch in Milwaukee

Even if it’s mid-winter, mulching will have a positive impact on your plants come spring. Mulching will ultimately make your spring better and more beautiful.

Follow some or all of these tips to properly mulch your yard in anticipation of the harsh winter ahead. And get over those winter blues by checking out some of our spring landscaping ideas.

Snow Removal Rates in Milwaukee

Did you know that each winter in the US, around 100 people die while shoveling snow? In fact, doctors advise that people over 55, who are overweight, have coronary diseases, are smokers, or aren’t in the habit of exercising avoid shoveling snow.

Why? Probably because the strenuous exertion of lifting snow causes the blood pressure and heart rate to jump, and the cold, winter air causes a person’s arteries to constrict. In other words, you get the ideal conditions for a heart attack. And, even if you are physically able to shovel, the amount of snow and the time it takes to clear it may make it impractical for you to do it yourself.

snowplow clearing snow after a storm

If it’s unsafe or unwise for you shovel your snow, it’s time you learn more about snow removal rates in Milwaukee.

What Affects Local Snow Removal Costs?

Snow Removal vs. Snow Plowing

Though these two terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference. If you hire someone for snow services, they’ll typically offer two slightly different services:

  • Snow plowing, which refers to clearing your driveway and stacking the snow on your lawn.
  • Snow removal, which refers to clearing your driveway and also taking the snow away with them in a truck to some pre-approved drop site.

Obviously, having snow removed from your property is more expensive. Yet, if you don’t want a 5-foot mound of snow blocking your windows, you may prefer snow removal.

When you request services, make sure you understand which service they are offering.

Equipment Used

The price you pay has a lot to do with the type of equipment your snow removal company will be using.

The less time they need to spend clearing your property, the less cost to you. For instance, using snowblowers makes removing snow a lot quicker than using shovels. Yet, some surfaces or tight areas make using a snowblower impossible.

Discuss your surface and space with the companies you contact to ensure you get an accurate quote.

Driveway Size and Design

As we mentioned, the size and surface of your driveway will play a role in the price you pay for snow removal or clearing. For instance:

  • Long, steep or curved driveways will cost more.
  • Dirt and gravel driveways typically cost more as well.
  • Paved, straight driveways are the least expensive to clear.

Response Time

How quickly do you want the snow cleared? If you need to be in your car and on your way to work by 6 in the morning, you will likely be paying a premium to get you to the top of the list for clearing your driveway.

If you’re more concerned with getting the best snow removal rates you can, be prepared to wait for awhile after any big snowfall before you get plowed out.

Per-Service or Flat Rate

Many residential snow removal companies will charge you a flat rate for each time they come to clear your property. Other times, companies will give you a monthly rate. This means that whether it snows 40 times or once, you pay the same price.

Here are a few other important things you should know:

  • Most companies have a set amount of snowfall that they will let sit before they come. Usually, you’ll need around 2 inches of snow accumulation before they will come to clear it away.
  • During blizzards or snow storms that last for days, snow removal services will typically return periodically to clear your property, providing continuous service throughout the extended period of snowfall.
  • The average yearly snowfall in Milwaukee is 50 inches. Keep that in mind when you choose per-service or flat rates.

The Extras

When you shop around for snow removal prices, make sure to ask about the extras, such as your porch, paths, steps and so on. Some companies include these extras in their snow removal rates and some don’t.

Confirm with the business what is included and what is not.

Get the Best Snow Removal Rates in Your Area

Before you hire anyone, your best bet to find the best services and the best prices in Milwaukee is to do your research. Our suggestions:

  • Read each company’s reviews online and ask your friends for referrals.
  • Make sure you know the size of your driveway, so you can get accurate snow removal rates without later getting additional costs added.
  • Look for a company that is accredited with the Better Business Bureau and has a good rating.
  • Don’t forget about quality of service! There’s little point in getting a great rate but poor service.

For great service at fair rates, contact us for a quote today. Our professional team provides around-the-clock snow removal services in Milwaukee and Waukesha.

How to Prepare a Garden for Winter

Did you know that one out of three households in the U.S. grows their own fresh produce? It’s true!

Even if you don’t have a green thumb, there’s no question that growing your own fresh tomatoes, herbs and pretty flowers can have a therapeutic effect. Gardening is good for the body, mind, and planet. However, when winter rolls around in Milwaukee, many home gardeners don’t know how to protect their plants and landscaping elements for the cold.

If that sounds like you, then you’re in luck. Here you can learn how to prepare a garden for winter.

Plant covered with frost, snow falling in the background landscape

Prepping Your Garden for Winter

Leave the Plants in Place

When preparing your landscape or garden for winter—if aesthetics aren’t too important to you—you can allow your plants to die naturally. When this happens, they cover the soil, adding nutrients as they decay.

It doesn’t look great, but the nutrients added to the soil from the dead plants can then be used next spring. Not only does this help next year’s crop or flowers, it can also save you some work.

Compost and Cover

If you want things a bit neater (especially if your garden area is close to your house), you can compost the organic material. The material can then be used for covering other plants, which is why crops used in this way are called cover crops.

Legumes and grasses are commonly used for this. Recently gardeners have also started using various types of brassicas for this, however, many different plants can do the trick.

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

If you decide not to put in a cover crop, it’s important to mulch. Doing so protects your roots, soil, insects and other living organisms during the winter. While this means that some “pests” are protected too, the benefits for your landscape definitely outweigh the few negatives.

Take Care of Weeds

If there are some parts of your garden that are lost to the weeds, you still have options. You can cover the offending plants with a layer of cardboard or black plastic to try and weaken and starve them out. Just make sure to leave the covering in place throughout the winter season.

Prepare a Garden for Winter for a Better Spring

Doing what you can to prepare your garden for winter often pays off with easier-to-care-for landscaping in the spring. And, by protecting plants and soil now, you help protect the investment in time and money that you’ve made in them.

If you don’t think you have the time or ability to prepare your garden for winter, consider hiring professionals to do it for you. Hiring pros not only saves you time and effort, it ensures that your garden and landscape get the proper care.

Our team of professional, experienced landscapers can help ensure your garden makes it through Milwaukee’s coldest season. And, if you’d rather enjoy the winter from the warmth of your living room, we also offer snow removal services in Milwaukee for residential and commercial properties.

Contact us today for more information or our rates.

How to Choose the Best Stones for Gardening

There are very real benefits to having stones in your garden. For instance, instead of being just decorative, stones prevent weeds from growing and can serve structural purposes.

There is, however, a lot to consider when you’re looking at stones for gardening. Your yard has unique needs and you have your own preferences, so you’re going to need a little help finding the right stones for your landscape.

stone path in garden surrounded by smaller stones

Finding the Right Stones for Gardening

You have to consider a number of factors when you’re putting new stones into your garden. While it may seem like you can just pick a stone, put it in, and forget about it, there are actually consequences to picking the wrong material.

What Is the Landscape?

Are your stones going to be laying flat or will they be on an incline? Are the stones going to be directly next to your plants? Do you experience a lot of heavy rain?

If you live in an area where heavy rain is a normal thing, you’ll want to choose your gardening stones carefully. Smaller stones are easily shifted and moved in terrains where heavy rain is normal. This can cause serious problems to the structure of your garden and soil.

This problem is accelerated when the rocks are situated on an incline. This is something to consider seriously when you’re buying stones.

If your rocks are used as mulch and are directly next to your plants, they are going to absorb a lot of the sun’s heat. While this isn’t a problem when the rocks are isolated, rocks can radiate and reflect heat onto your plants and dry them out. This can seriously damage the quality of your garden.

Other Considerations

You will need to consider the general feeling that you are going for in your garden. Once you’ve found a material that suits your needs, you’ll also need to choose the size and color of the stones you want.


Smaller rocks are more suited toward smaller gardens, patches of shrub, and areas that are situated away from your home. Medium-sized stones are more common and serve as a great option for those looking to fill their gardens.

Larger stones are nothing to rule out, though. A large-stoned garden is typically found in areas that have larger plants and decorations.


It’s no secret that the color of something can change its mood. This is no different when it comes to garden stones. When it comes to color:

  • It seems that grey, blue, and red are the most common options for people choosing stones.
  • Blue gives a calming feeling, grey is known to be pretty neutral, and red gives more of a lively atmosphere.

Before you decide, remember to explore different colors and choose colors that will make your garden have a unique feel of its own.

Looking into Gardening?

If you’re just starting out on your path to having an excellent garden, there’s still a lot to learn. It’s not just about picking the right stones for gardening. There’s also the landscape design to consider, the winter maintenance, and more.

For more information on gardening, be sure to continue exploring our blog. And, of course, if you’d like professional landscaping help in the Milwaukee or Waukesha areas, contact us for an appointment or estimate.

When Is the Best Time to Plant Trees in Milwaukee?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a big oak tree in the yard to provide shade in the summer? If you’ve been thinking about planting a tree to spruce up the garden or yard, you’ve come to the right place!

But when is the best time to plant trees? Plant the wrong tree or at the wrong time and your tree may not take root. Read on to find out more about planting trees in Milwaukee.

graphic of tree showing three different seasons

Best Time to Plant Trees in Milwaukee

Generally, we recommend to people to plant trees in the spring or fall. But to understand which season is better, you must understand what type of tree you want to grow.

Deciduous Trees

Deciduous trees are characterized by the fact that they lose their leaves in the fall. What this means is that they require less water to grow in the fall. This makes fall the best time to plant them because there will be more water for the roots to develop.

You can plant a deciduous tree in the spring or summer, but keep in mind that it might not grow as fast or as strong because all the other trees in the area will be competing for water to grow their leaves.

Common types of deciduous trees in Milwaukee:

  • Sugar maple
  • Norway maple
  • Silver maple
  • Shagbark hickory
  • Dogwood
  • Hawthorn
  • Birch
  • Box elder
  • Tree of Heaven
  • Alder
  • Eastern redbud

Evergreen Trees

Evergreen trees hold onto their leaves all winter but they brown due to less water. Once the ground becomes frozen, the roots cannot absorb water as well. For this reason, you want to avoid growing them when the grounds are still frozen.

The best time to grow an evergreen tree is during the beginning of fall. This will give the tree sufficient time to grow roots before the winter arrives and continue growing during the spring. If you plant one right before winter, make sure you wrap it up to keep it warm and prevent frost from growing on it.

Common types of Evergreen trees in Milwaukee:

  • Fir trees
  • Junipers
  • Spruces
  • Pines
  • Taxus, yew
  • Arborvitae

Get Planting

When figuring out when is the best time to plant trees in Milwaukee, the most important thing to remember is that trees grow best in the spring and the fall. The second thing to remember is that roots cannot grow when there is frost and that any trees you plant will grow best in cool soil. Fall is when the soil is not too hot or too cold.

In Milwaukee, the last frost usually ends in late April to Mid May, and then it begins again in late October. If you plan on growing a tree in the fall, make sure you do it at least a month before frost beings. If you plan on growing one in the spring, make sure you plant it at least a few weeks after the last frost.

Now you know when to plant, but do you know what types you want? For expert landscape design advice, give us a call or visit our website for more information. And remember: It’s not to late—fall is a great time to spruce up your property with some new trees!

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? Here’s the Real Answer

Mowing the lawn is one of the classic chores associated with owning your own home. But how often should you mow your lawn? Is there an ideal way to space out your sessions cutting the grass? Read on to find out.

Someone mowing or cutting the long grass with a green lawn mower

Factors That Affect Mowing Frequency

Time Isn’t That Relevant

If you’re looking for a simple answer to how often to cut grass, you’re out of luck. There’s no general rule of thumb like “once a month” or “every other week.”

How often grass needs to be cut varies depending on several different factors, including:

  • Type of grass
  • Amount of rain
  • Amount of sun
  • Use of fertilizer and mulching
  • Use of sprinklers and irrigation
  • Weeds, bugs, and other stressors
  • Other soil conditions, including pH balance

Unfortunately, these factors can change week-to-week and season-to-season. For instance, some summers can be hot and dry, while others are wet with frequent showers. Cutting habits will also be different between the summer and the cold Milwaukee winters.

Because of the many variables, you might only be able to go a few days without cutting or you could go several months between cuts. Regardless of the weather, however, remember:

  • Don’t feel tempted to cut just because it’s been a while since your last day outside with the mower. Cutting when you don’t need to can actually damage your lawn.
  • Don’t mow the lawn based on time. Only cut when the grass needs it.

Length Matters

Rather than cutting based on a set schedule, you should pay attention to the length and overall health of your grass.

In many ways, mowing the lawn is an art, not a science. Your personal preference for length will be a major factor in choosing when to cut. This is why most homeowners can tell with the naked eye when their lawn is getting a bit too tall for their liking.

Don’t Cut Too Low

If you’re cutting based on when the grass gets too tall, it might make sense to cut the grass very low so you can go further between mowing sessions. However, this is not recommended.

Cutting grass too low puts dangerous stress on your lawn. For example, cutting the grass short during a hot, sunny summer can remove necessary shade from the roots, causing them to dry out. Shortcuts can result in yellowed and dying grass.

Golf courses tend to have very short grass, but these courses are given great care and daily maintenance. Do not try to replicate this on your own lawn unless you have a specific type of grass and take special preparations.

As a rule of thumb, never cut more than 1/3 of the length of the blade of grass. This will keep the grass healthier and looking its greenest.

Know Your Grass

Several types of grass are used for Milwaukee lawns. These different grasses can look best at different lengths. This is why knowing what grass you have can help you cut your lawn correctly.

Check out this guide for the ideal height ranges for popular grass types.

So, How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn?

Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to how often should you mow your lawn. Due to many factors, the way grass grows is never truly consistent. Your best bet is to monitor your grass length and mow when it’s about one-third taller than you wish it to be.

For more insight into proper lawn care, check out our blog. And, if you find that you don’t have the time or patience to maintain your lawn yourself, give us a call. We offer year-round landscaping services in Milwaukee and Waukesha!

What Is Landscaping? 4 Facts for Milwaukee Residents

Milwaukee sits smack dab in the middle of Zone 5B on the USDA Hardiness Map. This means that for landscaped plants to survive here from year to year, they must be able to survive temperatures all the way down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit.

But, what is landscaping? And how can you find the right plants for your location and landscape?

First, it’s important to understand that landscaping is both the physical landscaping in your yard (like the grass, the trees, the plants, and constructed elements) and the activities one does to keep up their property (like building a retaining wall or clearing debris).

Then, it’s important to understand that, due to regional differences, landscaping is different in different areas. What works well in one place may not work well in another. Once you understand that, then it’s just a matter of learning what landscaping works best for your area. No problem.

So, if you’re curious about what landscaping is like here, read on to learn more about what works for landscaping here!

Naturally sculptured flat top rocks placed in a beautifully landscaped backyard among a variety of perennial evergreens and shrubs.

What Is Landscaping in Milwaukee?

Having good landscaping in Milwaukee is all about having landscaping elements that can sustain the climate changes of this region.

For instance, you already know the winters are harsh. But, did you also know that the changes in temperature can cause shifts in the ground, especially where you may have pavers and other hardscapes installed?

If you want the garden and outdoor spaces of your dreams, knowing a little about how  four common elements can affect your landscaping is key. These are plants, trees, hardscapes, and maintenance.

Perennials vs Annuals

One of the key concepts in landscaping is to know the difference between perennials and annuals. These are the types of flowers you can buy for your landscape. When picking your plants, remember:

  • Perennials will last many seasons (if not longer), while annuals will only bloom for a few months before they die off.
  • Some perennials to consider planting include echinacea, daylily, lavender, peony, and various types of ferns.


Trees are an important part of any landscape because they provide shade and keep the air clean. There are a few different types of trees that fit well in the USDA zone 5B, including:

  • October Glory
  • Autumn Blaze Maple
  • Cleveland Select Pear


Hardscapes are anything in your yard that are built with brick or concrete. This includes elements like retaining walls, patios, steps, and decorative stones.


Regular maintenance of your landscape is suggested to keep it clean and free from overgrowth. Your hardscapes should also be inspected from time to time, just to make sure they’re holding up to the elements and don’t need repairs.

What Is Landscaping in Milwaukee? A Year-round Task!

What your landscaping is really depends on where one lives, how one has designed their land, and what they want to achieve. For those in the Milwaukee area who work with professional landscapers, that typically means integrating great plants with great landscape design.

So, what is your landscaping like? Is it doing everything you want it to do?

If not,  contact us. We can guide you through the process by integrating the right plants with the right landscaping elements for your space and region. And we can maintain your landscape throughout the year so you don’t have to!

What Are Hardiness Zones and What Are the Best Plants for Milwaukee?

Gardening in the U.S. has risen in popularity in recent years, with over one-third of American households now growing food at home or in a community garden.

If you’re one of these green thumbs, it’s more important than ever to know in which hardiness zone you live so. That way you can raise plants that thrive in your climate. For Milwaukee residents, that means zone 5, which means you can grow plants that can survive winter temperatures of -20 degrees Fahrenheit and higher.

This quick guide explains the definitions of zones and plant hardiness, and give suggestions for zone 5 plants that do well in the Milwaukee area.

Colorful tulips and daffodils

Hardiness of Plants

When a plant is considered hardy, it means it can withstand living in colder temperatures.

This is important for gardeners to know when deciding upon the best flowers, plants, and grass to choose for their landscape design. And to do that, you need to know in which hardiness zone you live.

How to Use the Hardiness Zone Map

To know which plants are suitable for your geographical area, you will need to look up your hardiness zone. A hardiness zone is a section of the U.S. that is defined by its average annual winter temperature.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Plant Hardiness Zone Map allows you to find which zone you live in. Each zone is also technically divided into two sections (a and b). While Milwaukee is located in zone 5, most of the city lies in zone 5b.

The USDA’s map divides the nation into thirteen main zones and has been updated through the years as new weather data indicated climate change. The most recent version of the map takes into consideration changes in elevation and closeness to bodies of water when determining where each zone begins and ends.

Prior to the map, farmers had to rely on their own common knowledge and publications (such as the Farmer’s Almanac) to know what crops were most suitable for their climates.

By the 1970s, however, the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map emerged as the favorite and most accurate map. That’s why it is used to this day as the planting standard for gardeners and landscapers.

Zone 5 Plants

As a Milwaukee-area resident, you probably know that our weather is defined by its cold, snowy winters and warm, humid summers. What you may not know, however, is that our zone experiences a growing season that usually begins around May 15 (the last average frost date) and ends by mid-October.

Zone 5 is not the coldest zone in the U.S., but it does mean you need to choose plants carefully. Fortunately, there is no shortage of colorful perennials and bulbs that thrive in zone 5 that are perfect for Milwaukee-area gardens and lawns.

Here is just a partial list of flowers that do well in zone 5:

  • Tulips
  • Daffodils
  • Lilies
  • Delphinium
  • Garden phlox
  • Lavender
  • Hollyhocks
  • Hyacinths
  • Poppies
  • Bee balm
  • Purple coneflower
  • Violets

In addition, these plants for great for ornamental touches:

  • Ferns
  • Hosta
  • Zebra grass
  • Ligularia
  • Jacob’s ladder
  • Coral bells

Several varieties of grass also do well in zone 5. These include bluegrass, fescue, buffalo grass (which is native to this area), and ryegrass.

Get Planting

There’s still time this season to polish your home’s landscaping. The plants listed above are suitable for zone 5, which is a great place to start.

And, if you’d like help with your garden design or ongoing maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We offer professional landscaping design and grounds maintenance solutions throughout Milwaukee and Waukesha.

Watering Your Lawn: How Much is Too Much?

About 78 percent of Americans have homes with landscaping or lawns. Yet 69 percent admitted their landscaping needs improvement.

Even if you believe you’re taking care of your lawn the right way, chances are, you aren’t. From fertilizing to watering, taking care of the lawn isn’t always as simple as you might think.

If you’re asking yourself, “How often should I water my lawn?” you’re asking a good question. It’s not as obvious as it seems.

rainbow from lawn being watered by automatic sprinkler

Year-Round Care

Lawns and a beautiful landscape increase the value of your home. That’s why learning how to take proper care of your lawn and landscape now makes sense. That way, when it comes time to sell, your house will have great curb appeal.

Lawn care is essential year round. Even if your grass is brown in the winter, it needs water. In fact, many Milwaukee-area lawns typically need at least 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week.

How Often Should I Water My Lawn?

It seems easy enough: Turn on the sprinklers every day or every other day. That’s it, right? No, unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Don’t we wish!

First, you need to know the soil type under your lawn. This determines how often you should water, as well as how much. If you don’t know, consult a lawn care professional or buy a soil test kit at your local garden store.

Some tips:

  • If your soil is sandy, it requires water about every third day.
  • Clay soil does okay with one watering per week, while other soils need water every few days.
  • All types of lawn and soil do best with a long, slow soak every few days instead of a little water every day.

There’s also an easy test you can use to see if your lawn is well watered. For the screwdriver test, stick a screwdriver about 6 inches down into the soil. If it’s easy to push, your lawn is getting enough water. If it’s hard to push down, it’s not getting enough water.

Too Much Water

If you notice lots of water running down into the gutter, it’s possible you’re overwatering. Check the sprinkler heads to make sure they’re sprinkling the lawn, not the gutter. If they’re watering the lawn, chances are, you’re overwatering.

Sometimes your lawn exhibits symptoms similar to underwatering when it’s overwatered. Feel the lawn to see if it’s damp before you turn the sprinklers on. If it’s already wet, wait a day or two, then see how it looks.

Too Little Water

It’s possible to give your lawn too little water. So, how do you know if that’s what you’re doing? Here’s how: Some blades of grass wilt without enough water. If your grass is a vibrant green color that turns dull and bluish-gray, that’s a sign of underwatering.

Also, if you walk across the grass and see clear footprints, that’s also a sign the grass needs more water.

Great Lawn Care

Now you know how to answer the question, “How often should I water my lawn?” But remember there’s more to proper lawn care than just watering. Unfortunately, you can never assume you know how to take care of your lawn just because it seems easy. Your lawn is a living plant. It takes knowledge as well as hard work to care for it well.

If you don’t have time to take care of your lawn, ask a professional to help you. It’s well worth it, and we can help! Contact us today for an estimate or appointment.

When is the Best Time for Lawn Aeration?

What if one easy trick could give you the most beautiful lawn in the neighborhood?

Lawn aeration can provide you with that beautiful lawn you’ve wanted. However, the trick is to know exactly when you should aerate.

Keep reading for our guide to the best time for lawn aeration.

aerated lawn with holes

What Is Lawn Aeration?

When you aerate a lawn, you perforate the soil with a series of small holes. This makes it easier for air to get through the roots of the grass. Water and nutrients will also have an easier time getting through.

If you have compacted soil, then lawn aeration is a particularly good idea. That is because the solid particles in compacted soils make it particularly difficult for air, nutrients, and water to circulate.

When Is the Best Time to Aerate a Lawn?

Lawn aeration is not a good idea for every season. If you’re not careful, you could end up making things worse for your lawn instead of better.

The ideal season for lawn aeration is fall. This is because you get a perfect combination of factors: the weather is nice and cool (making things easier for you) and there is low weed pressure. And, of course, the grass is still growing during this time.

Spring is typically a bad time to aerate the lawn because the aeration holes could lead to germinating weed seeds. Such weeds germinate in the spring, and aerating just makes things easier for them.

In the event of highly compacted soil, you can aerate in the spring to break the soil up. It’s best to wait for late spring, though, if you do this: weeds will be out, but this gives you a chance to aerate before they flower and then go to seed.

These general guidelines should help you decide when is the best time to aerate a lawn.

How to Aerate a Lawn

Now that you know when to aerate a lawn, there’s a natural follow-up question: How do you do it? It depends on whether you want to use a plug or spike aerator.

The spike aerator is really simple, letting you use a fork or tine to just poke the holes directly into the ground. Plug aerators are designed to cut and remove plugs of soil.

Generally speaking, the plug aerator will give you better results than the spike aerator. However, the spike is easier to use, so some try this method out first.

Alternately, you can hire professionals to do it for you since they already have the equipment and know how. Lawn care professionals are also better equipped to recognize any issues your lawn is having.

Best Timing to Aerate a Lawn

While you may know the best season for lawn aeration, that doesn’t mean every day is good for it. You’ll get best results if you aerate the day after it has rained. That way you benefit from the moist soil without having to water.

If no rain is in the forecast, then you can also just water your lawn the day before. Overall, the goal is just making sure the soil isn’t too dry for aeration!

The Bottom Line

Now you know the secrets about lawn aeration. But do you have pros who can handle your lawn best?

For local experts in lawn maintenance and care,  contact us today. Central Services has been caring for local lawns and landscapes throughout Milwaukee and Waukesha since 1971.