
Sodding vs Seeding: Which is Better for Your Milwaukee Property?

The grass doesn’t always have to be greener on the other side, especially when seeding and sodding can help you to have the lushest yard on the block. The question is, which option is better for your Milwaukee property?

Using sod refers to transplanting turf that is already mature, essentially rolling it out as you would a rug. Meanwhile, using seed involves planting seeds to grow new grass. Neither method is necessarily right or wrong, as they both have their unique advantages and disadvantages.

So, which option will get you on track to having your dream yard? Here’s a rundown of the differences between sodding and seeding. That way you can determine which one is best for you.

Let’s Talk Money

If cost is one of the biggest factors in your choice of seed versus sod, you’re in good company. Here’s a look at what to expect on the financial front with these options.


For the budget-conscious, seeding is your best bet. Even the highest-quality seed mix costs less than a sod product does, so seed wins hands down.


a roll of sod being installedWithout a doubt, using sod is a costlier option when compared with using grass seed. Why? Because you’re basically paying somebody else for the materials and time required to grow your new, ready-to-roll-out turf.

However, using sod is clearly much more convenient than using seed is. So, if cost isn’t as important, sod is the best choice.

Sodding vs. Seeding Quality

The quantity of money you’re spending isn’t the only important factor when deciding to seed or sod. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll get with both options in the way of quality.


Establishing a lawn that is dense may take longer with seed. But over time, you may experience a bit more quality with seed than you would with sod. Here’s why:

A wide range of grass varieties and types are available for the choosing, so you can easily find one that grows well in the Milwaukee area. These include the following:

Also, you’ll likely have a healthier lawn in the next few years due to having a strong root system from the start. On top of that, your grass will sprout in the exact same environment where it will live long term, so you don’t have to worry about transplant sensitivities and issues.

Still, getting seed to grow can be a muddy and frustrating process at first. In other words, it’s not a bed of roses.


Sod might look as though it is free of weeds. However, this is not always the case. Other things to know about sod include:

  • Sod can be an excellent choice in areas where seed would have a hard time surviving, such as in areas that are erosion-prone or sloped.
  • You don’t have as many grass-type choices with sod as you do with seed.
  • Sod is not very shade tolerant.
  • The fact that you don’t have as much mud or dust with sodding as you do with seeding may make it your first choice.

How We Can Help

We offer a number of landscaping services, including both seeding and sodding. Warning: We can’t guarantee we won’t leave your next-door neighbor green with envy after seeing the results of our work!

Contact us to find out more about how we can transform your Milwaukee lawn into the envy of the neighborhood with our top-of-the-line lawn care services.

Different Types of Mulch (And When to Use Them)

Laying down mulch is one of the best things you can do for healthy soil in your garden. Mulch not only suppresses weeds and slows moisture evaporation, but it also improves your soil’s texture. Plus, it moderates soil temperature and serves as a buffer from soil compaction caused by rain.

image of different types of mulches

So, if you haven’t tried it yet, it’s time to explore the different types of mulch. Then you can decide which one is best for your garden.

Types of Mulch

Mulch is basically any material that you can spread or lay over the surface of your soil as a covering. It comes in a variety of forms and types, so choosing one should be easy.

When used right, it can improve soil’s fertility, keep it cool, and make your property landscape look more attractive. Here are just a few types of mulch you should know about:

Bark Mulch

Bark mulch is most often used around trees, bushes, and in gardens where you don’t have to do a lot of digging. It’s ideal for front walkways and foundation plantings because these spaces don’t require deep mixing with the soil.

It’s important to know that bark mulches don’t mix well into the soil. However, they last longer than finer organic mulches.


What’s great about compost and composted manure is that they can be used anywhere as long as those spaces are well-composted and weed-free.

You can use them as a coating of mulch or you can just lay them on top of your plants during the growing season. This is a great way to insulate your plants and give them a boost of nutrients to help them grow.

Grass Clippings

If you have weeds you want to suppress, grass clippings are your best bet.

It’s important to know, however, that grass clippings have a high water content, so they decompose quickly. Plus, they can get very slimy and smelly in the process. They can also mat down and not allow water to pass through. Try to limit their usage to just suppressing weeds.

Shredded Leaves

If you want a free and readily available type of mulch, shredded leaves are the way to go. They’re perfect for woodland gardens and attract earthworms to your soil. If you lay them over your garden in your fall, they’ll start decomposing over the winter.

One thing to consider, however, is that shredded leaves can often look messier than other mulch options. You may not want to use them for more formal garden areas.

Synthetic Mulches

If you care less about looks and more about practicality, synthetic mulches are a great option.

Uses for Synthetic and Inorganic Mulches

When it comes to the ease of use, synthetic and inorganic mulches may be the best types of mulch for you. Popular options include black plastic, landscape fabric, and stone or gravel. These materials do a good job of holding moisture and blocking weeds. The downside is that they don’t add any fertility to the soil like an organic option would.

If you like their functionality but not their look, add a thin layer of bark mulch on top to make it look more natural.

Making the Most of Your Mulches

Mulch is an amazingly easy way to keep your soil healthy and your garden bed looking great. By following these mulch tips and best practices for using them, you can maximize their effect! Just follow this handy guide and you’ll be able to pick the best mulch for your garden or lawn.

Still not sure what type of mulch you should use? Contact us to discuss your options.

Home Mosquito Control Options

Believe it or not, the humble mosquito is the most deadly insect on the planet. Its bites are responsible for the deaths of more than one million people each year. So, if your backyard is infested with mosquitoes, you need to start exploring mosquito control options. This way, you’ll be able to protect yourself and your family from these nasty pests.

Mosquito resting on green leaf

Tips for Mosquito Control

Nothing can ruin your outdoor spaces more than a bad case of mosquitoes. Here are some tips and control options that can help prevent and eliminate these nasty bugs.

Drain Excess Water

Mosquitoes thrive on stagnant water and only need a little of it to reproduce. Thus, the first thing you need to do is dump any water that could serve as a breeding ground for them. Even something as small as a plant saucer has enough water to help them breed.

It only takes eight to 10 days for mosquito eggs to grow into full adult mosquitoes. So, dump dog bowls, plant saucers, and bird baths on a regular basis to discourage breeding.

Buy a Mosquito Killing System

If you already have a mosquito problem, take active steps in eliminating them.

Mosquito control machines mimic the human body by simulating body heat and CO2. This will cause the mosquitoes to fly into the trap, which will then kill them. These systems are ideal for larger outdoor spaces (an acre or more) because they’re most effective for killing lots of mosquitoes at once.

Buy a Bug Zapper

An electronic bug zapper works well in areas with swamps or stagnant waters, which are notorious breeding grounds for mosquitoes. A bug zapper uses a black light to attract the mosquitoes to an electrical grid, which will trap, electrocute, and kill any insects that come close to it.

What’s great about this option is that these zappers come in a variety of sizes, so they can meet the needs of most yards.

Buy a Mosquito Misting System

Another great option is a misting system. Misting systems spray insecticides in a fine mist to kill mosquitoes and other pesky insects. These devices have spray nozzles that you mount around the perimeter of your home. Better yet, you can hide them in your landscaping or along a fence, so they aren’t an eyesore for your property.

When using one of the systems:

  • Don’t apply the pesticide when people, animals, or food are present.
  • Set automatic times for when people are unlikely to be near the misting source.
  • Only use the system when mosquitoes are active (early morning and evening).
  • Avoid using the system during high winds.
  • Be aware of the maximum daily rate noted on your product label.
  • Follow these best practices to make sure you’re using the system safely and efficiently.

Next Steps for Controlling Mosquitoes

If your backyard is full of mosquitoes, you need to be proactive and take measures to eliminate them. There are a variety of mosquito control options available in Milwaukee, so if you need help, simply contact a mosquito control company.

We can send you individualized recommendations for eliminating these pests in no time. Contact us today.

4 Ways To Boost Your Curb Appeal With Landscaping Rocks

Landscaping rocks can improve your curb appeal if you use them well. These stones are versatile, aesthetically pleasing, and fit most landscaping plans. Moreover, they are easy to maintain.

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize the importance of landscaping. They think cleaning their front porches or yards is enough. We believe landscaping matters because:

  • It can nurture and conserve natural resources
  • It creates a good and comfortable home environment
  • It blends with the natural environment
  • It boosts visual appeal and aesthetics

This last point is what we are focusing on. Using various ideas, landscaping rocks can make your property more attractive. Read on to learn how.

a stone landscaped pond

Great Ideas When Using Landscaping Rocks

You may want to lay the landscape rock yourself, but that’s not a good idea. Though DIY projects work, it is better to let professionals handle the job.

Also, some projects can be labor-intensive. This makes it difficult for an individual. Professional landscapers have enough people to do the job and at a faster speed.

Here are four great ideas we would recommend when using landscaping rocks:

Putting Rocks and Boulders in a Small Yard Garden

Find a range of large rocks and boulders, and then put them in a circle in the center of your yard. There has to be a mixture of different rock textures and sizes. Then, this area can get a variety of flowers and plants with different colors. It creates contrast and the garden becomes the centerpiece of your yard. Putting light fixtures of various shapes will light up the garden at night.

Build a Rock Fountain

Garden fountains give an area an added serenity. You can stare blissfully as water flows on the rocks on a warm afternoon. Getting such a fountain doesn’t have to be expensive either.

You’ll use coarse gravel, small smooth rocks, and big uneven stones. There’ll be some drilling on some of the boulders to set them in place. You’ll need a couple of water buckets and a water pump. That’s it!

This fountain can have the uneven rough stones and small smooth rocks in a unique design. After placement, the water can start flowing over them.

Use a Large Decorative Stone

Interior designers like accent walls. These are walls with a bold and different color from the rest of the walls in the room. This same idea can apply when using landscaping rocks. You can put a large decorative stone somewhere in your yard. It could be a large red granite rock. Decorative stones are unique and add color to the landscape.

This decorative stone will have smaller stones of different textures and sizes around it. Maintenance will involve rinsing the stones once in a while to keep them looking bright.

Create a Rock Pathway Leading to Slab Steps

River rocks tend to have smooth textures. These work well on pathways. Several long and flat river rocks placed strategically will create a path. Smaller rocks and gravel can fill up the empty spaces between the flat river rocks. Crushed red granite gravel can add texture and contrast to the path. The end of the path should have large slab steps.

Get the Best Landscaping Service

We know many different types of rock landscaping techniques you can use for your yard. The four ideas above are a quick example of great landscape designs. Not only will they make your curb look good, they’ll also raise the value of your home.

Contact us to see what other ways our professional landscapers can beautify your yard.

5 Important Tips For Milwaukee Winter Lawn Care

Have you worked all spring and summer making your lawn and landscaping look great? Worried about how your back and front yards will hold up during the sometimes harsh Milwaukee winter weather?

To help you prepare your lawn for the cold weather, we’ve got five winter lawn care tips that will keep your grass looking green and healthy come springtime!

pile of leaves on a lawn

1. Rake the Leaves

While the colors of autumn leaves can give a rustic look to a yard, we recommend raking as part of your winter lawn care routine. Raking will keep the lawn healthier as excess leaves can kill the grass by smothering it over time.

Dead patches of grass the following spring can be prevented by raking regularly.

2. Mow for the Winter

Many people stop mowing the lawn shortly after the first frost and when the grass stops growing rapidly. Our recommendation would be to continue mowing through the fall. Around the middle of November is when homeowners should do their final cut.

When working with a lawn mowing service, ask them to adjust the mower blade to a lower setting. Setting the blade to 2.5 inches is a good way to ensure that the grass doesn’t overgrow in the winter and become a playground for pests that can cause damage.

3. Plant Now for Spring

If the lawn has thin spots just before the cold weather sets in, those spots will remain or get worse by spring. For this reason, we recommend planting new grass seed to thicken up any bare spots. The grass will have a chance to grow strong roots once the temperatures begin to gradually rise in March and April.

To keep the grass green all throughout winter, homeowners could even plant winter grass in early autumn. Doing so can prevent a dried out, winter look on the lawn.

4. Don’t Forget to Fertilize for Winter Lawn Care

Along with planting new grass seed, it’s important to continue feeding the grass during the colder season. Using fertilizer in both early and late fall will help the grass establish healthy and strong roots. Grass with a strong root system will gain its bright green color faster and resist weeds and pests in the spring.

5. Take Care of the Weeds

Speaking of weeds, a proper winter lawn care regimen will include some time spent picking weeds. The most common weeds will begin seeding in the fall, so picking and treating them appropriately will keep a lawn free of them next season.

Commercial weed killing products can be purchased in most grocery and hardware stores. Alternatively, we recommend that homeowners try creating their own organic vinegar weed killer.

Keep Your Lawn in Shape This Winter

By following these five tips for caring for your lawn in the winter, you can cut down on yardwork when spring has sprung!

Want to keep your lawn looking great for all seasons? Visit our blog for more lawn care tips, tricks, and treatments!

What You Should Look for in the Best Snow Removal Services in Waukesha

If you live in Milwaukee, you’re no stranger to heavy snowfall. Parts of the state were hit with record snowfall in 2017, so you need to ramp up for the winter by hiring top-level snow removal services.

With winter approaching, it’s important for you to learn what to know about hiring snow removal pros.

man snow blowing

Consider the tips below and you’ll find the service that you need.

Search for Snow Removal Services in Advance

The worst thing you can do for your home or business is to wait too long to hire snow removal services. By the time severe weather alerts start rolling in, it’s likely that local residents and businesses are already securing the help of snow removal experts. Waiting too late might make it difficult to find a professional that isn’t booked up.

Think about the services you need before hiring a snow removal professional in Waukesha. Some people might just need to have their driveway cleared, while others will need pre-snowfall treatments for their entire parking lot.

Contact snow removal companies in advance if possible, that way they can be your go-to shop any time inclement weather arrives. And, remember to browse the different plans so that your snow services are handled on schedule.

Look for a Company That Has a Great Reputation

Reputation is everything when outsourcing snow removal services. Since snow and ice are safety hazards, you need a company that has a reputation for arriving on time and giving accurate results.

Ask your snow removal pros if they’re currently licensed, bonded, and insured. By checking on these points, you’ll know that their work is protected. You should also find out what sort of snow removal techniques the contractors provide. Some professionals use rock salt, while others use calcium chloride.

Also, find out how long the service will take to complete so that you can schedule them accordingly.

Find Affordable Rates on Snow Removal

Price is the most important thing you’ll need to know about hiring a snow removal company.

When hiring a snow service, you’ll generally pay by the appointment or in the form of an annual agreement. For instance, a single appointment might cost you about $60, while annual service might cost approximately $400.

Take time to get plenty of price estimates on the service so you’ll be able to compare and get a stellar deal.

Reach Out to Central Services

To make the most out of your Milwaukee snow removal needs, contact us. Not only do we handle emergency snow removal, we’ll also help you out with salting, snow blowing, and shoveling. We can also be your one-stop shop for your year-round landscaping needs, since we also provide grounds maintenance and other services.

If you contact us, we’ll happily provide you some cost estimates on our service today. Get in touch with our professionals and let us show you why our snow removal services beat the competition hands down.

5 Signs You Could Benefit from Using a Lawn Mowing Service in Milwaukee

The average American  spends 70 hours each year caring for their lawn. With more than 40 million acres of lawns in the lower 48 states, that’s a lot of wasted time. Not only are those mowers losing out on 70 hours of their lives each year, they’re also spending loads of money, putting their health at risk, and more.

man mowing lawn

If you’re ready to get your time and money back, keep reading to learn five ways that you could be benefiting from lawn mowing service.

1.You’ll Save Tons of Time

Depending on the size of your lawn, mowing the grass could take several hours out of your day. In certain climates or during warm, rainy parts of the year, you may have to cut your grass at least once a week. Get those hours of your life back, and spend it on doing things you enjoy by hiring a lawn mowing service.

2. You’ll Save Money

The average lawn mower can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. If you need a riding mower because of health reasons or because you have a large lawn, it’ll cost you even more.

Plus, lawn mowers are far from a one-time cost. You’ll need gas to keep it running. You’ll need costly repairs when it breaks, which can cost several hundred dollars at a time. If you cut your grass regularly, you’ll have to replace your mower every few years. And this isn’t even factoring in other lawn-care costs, like weed trimmers, leaf blowers, and more.

The cost of lawn mowing service may actually help you to save tons of money every year.

3. No More Back-Breaking Work

If you’ve ever been left with a sore back, aching feet, or tired hands after mowing the lawn, you know just how back-breaking it can be. But you may not realize that mowing the lawn can actually be dangerous as well. In fact, each year, more than 250,000 Americans are treated for lawn mowing-related injuries.

If you think that many of these are older people with existing medical conditions, think again. Nearly 17,000 of those injuries occur among people under the age of 19.

Investing in professional lawn mowing service can help to protect you and your family from these injuries. It could also save you thousands in medical bills, lost pay, and more.

4. A Clean, Professional Looking Lawn

Even if you’ve been cutting your grass for years or you have a nice mower, it can be tough to rival the look of a professionally cut lawn. Leave your yard looking clean, tidy, and well-cared for by leaving the work to the professionals.

5. Reduced Allergies

Fresh cut grass and other weeds and foliage that you’ll run across in your yard could trigger serious allergic reactions. These can take days or even weeks to get over, and may even require medical attention.

Start Benefiting from Lawn Mowing Service Today

If you’re ready to save time and money, avoid injuries and illness, and more, it’s time to invest in professional lawn mowing services.

Contact us today to learn more, to ask about our FREE ESTIMATES, or to schedule a time for us to start helping you care for your lawn!

5 Ways to Control Lawn and Garden Bugs in Fall

When it comes to bugs in fall, there’s a whole world of insect maintenance you’re going to want to be ready for. In any garden, there are two things you can always rely on: You need a watering system, and you’ll find pests somewhere.

So, today we’ll be looking at five of the best ways out there to keep these plant-munching baddies at bay this autumn.

Man with Bug Insecticide Sprayer - Central Services Lawn Care

Getting Rid Of Bugs In Fall

Kick Them Out

The truth about pest management is that even good pesticides can often be ineffective.

There’s a simple answer if you have relatively few bugs and aren’t too squeamish: Simply pluck them off. With a bucket or other container, take a walk through your garden and pick any bug that’s large enough off, by hand. Put it in a bag and take them all to a dump or safe location, far from your home and plants.

Keep Them Out

Sometimes, the best way to keep something out is a nice, solid door.

Well, in the case of pest control, maybe not a door. Row covers are lightweight sheets of fabric that are positioned above and around plants. These sheets are porous enough to allow light and air to pass through but work wonders at keeping out locusts, caterpillars, and other larger insects.

Don’t Encourage Them

Waste management is a bit of a tightrope for gardeners, but it’s one of the most important steps in stopping pest invasions.

First, never let waste pile up in or around your garden. This brings insects right to your door and can have a negative impact almost immediately. Be vigilant and remove rotting leaves, stems, or offcuts before they become a problem.

Next, pay very close attention to what goes into your compost heap. If the trash is being taken out of your garden, don’t put it into the compost that you’re putting back in your garden. These same insects will develop in the compost, and go right back into your garden’s ecosystem when you use it.

If your compost already has bugs in it, warm it up, wash it down, and then spread it out in a thin layer so that it can dry out.

Natural Pesticides and Insecticides

Of course, once you already have a problem, it helps to know how to take care of it.

There are all-natural and organic pesticide and insecticide options for gardens that already have insect problems.

Salt and/or garlic sprays have been shown to work well, or, if you’re willing to spend a little more, you may want to consider a good mineral oil.

Of course, a byproduct of any organic product is that they often don’t have the “staying power” of a more harmful chemical compound. You have to remember to apply these organic compounds more regularly in order for them to be effective.

Better Planting

There are also a few steps you can take while planting to prevent insects:

  • After watering, space your plants out to give them more space to dry.
  • Dry off your leaves to prevent fungal growth.
  • Cut off and discard diseased plants as soon as possible.
  • Test your soil regularly, and adjust the pH and mineral levels accordingly.

Bugs In Fall: Get It Under Control

Fall is a bad time for insects in any garden. Dying leaves, rotting mulch, and wet air all contribute to a pest revolution that will eat your yard whole if you leave them unchecked.

Hopefully, with a little help from us and our Milwaukee lawncare pros, you’ll have it all covered. Good luck out there!

How to Make Your Own Fall Lawn Fertilizer

It may sound too good to be true, but we promise it’s the real deal. Keep reading to learn how you can make the best fall lawn fertilizer right from your home.

If you’re like us, you love looking after your lawn. And with fall here, there’s nothing more satisfying than kicking off your shoes and running your toes through the soft, lush blades of grass. And, while you may think that fall means it’s time to stop caring for your lawn, you couldn’t be more wrong. But don’t go out to your local hardware store and spend tons of money on ineffective fertilizers!

You can simply make your own at home for the low price of, well, free.

Wheelbarrow with compost fertilizer in lawn - Central Services of Wisconsin

Understanding Your Lawn

Just like people, certain types of grass require certain types of nutrition. If you have no clue what soil you’re working with, consult your zoning board. Chances are they have documentation that can help you along.

Now, you can’t use fall lawn fertilizer the same way you do in summer or spring. You’ll need to fertilize your lawn 6 to 8 weeks before the coldest months. This will likely vary by climate, so keep an eye on the forecast.

Use Household Goods

Here’s the good news: You can make an effective fall lawn fertilizer with things you likely have at home! Here are some of the most effective resources and recipes you can use for your fertilizer.

Coffee Grounds

Ahh, coffee. It wakes us up in the morning, keeps us focused, and grows grass? It may sound odd, but believe us, coffee grounds actually make for great fertilizer. So, next time you’re getting ready to throw out your old grounds, save them instead.

Use 1/2 pound as the foundation for a compost with grass clippings and add 5 gallons of water. Now, place the compost in a bucket and spread across your lawn evenly and gently. The water should break up the grounds. Make sure the grounds fall in between the grass, not on top.

Best of all, the coffee acts as a deterrent to pests! No more worrying about slugs, snails, and pesky insects.

Soda and Beer

Here’s a combo you’d never want to taste. While it may sound repulsive to your palate, your lawn will love it. A couple caveats: Make sure you’re using full-calorie cola and a darker beer. The chemical make-up will affect your grass otherwise.

Take 1 can/bottle of each, then combine them with half a cup each of ammonia, dishwasher soap, and mouthwash. The suds from the soda and beer will deliver nutrients while the ammonia produces nitrogen. Combine all into a spray bottle or hose and rinse your lawn.

Epsom Salt and Ammonia

Finally, you can use a simple combination of Epsom salt and household ammonia. Epsom salt brings nutrients like as magnesium and sulfur, while the ammonia will dilute the salt and introduce nitrogen.

Use about a cup of each and spread evenly over your lawn.

Need Some Help With Your Fall Lawn Fertilizer?

Using these recipes should get you results in a few weeks. Be sure to keep checking on your grass periodically and record your findings. You may have to vary the recipes slightly depending on your climate and soil types.

Of course, if you’re looking for some help, don’t be afraid to get in touch! Whether you’re inexperienced or simply don’t have the time, we can help.

We’d love to give you a hand in making your lawn greener and more gorgeous than ever. Get in touch today and see the difference a professionally maintained Milwaukee lawn can make.

How to Get Rid of Weeds in Grass and Protect Your Lawn

Some people don’t worry about how to get rid of weeds in grass because they know every part of a dandelion can be eaten. You can eat the blossoms, stalk, and roots. Cooked or raw. In salads or soups.

But dandelions can also wreak havoc on your lawn, stealing moisture and nutrients from your vibrant green grass. So, let’s take a look at how to get rid of weeds in grass.

Cutting Out Weeds in Lawn - Central Services of Waukesha

Strategy 1: Crowding Them Out

Although weeds may have their creative uses, such as edibility, they are usually unwanted visitors to our lawns.

One reliable way of how to get rid of weeds in grass is to crowd them out. Support your grass in growing strong and lush, leaving no room for weeds to squeeze in.

Weeds are always looking for opportunities to take root in the most fertile of soil. When your grass is healthy and thriving in the sun, weeds are less likely to push their way in.

Fertilize Just the Right Amount

Under fertilizing leaves grass thin and weaker. This leaves more opportunity for weeds to take root. And over fertilizing can nurture weeds you don’t to encourage in your lawn. Many weeds crave excessive amounts of fertilizer.

Be sure to read the application recommendations and use fertilizer with slow release nitrogen for your soil. This allows for steady nutrients available to your grass.

Strategy 2: Watering Your Grass Sporadically and Deeply

Americans are known for cherishing their lawns. And one of the best ways to keep your lawn healthy is by watering it in just the right way. Your lawn care regimen should include watering about one inch per week in infrequent and soaking strides.

Shallow and frequent watering inspires the growth of certain weeds.

Strategy 3: Mowing Higher

Allowing your grass to grow higher keeps the sun from reaching the ground and drying out the topsoil. It also strengthens the turf by supporting your grass in producing adequate nutrients.

A good height for your grass is typically between 3 and 4 inches tall. But you may want to ask someone who knows about your specific type of grass.

Strategy 4: Resorting to Herbicides

Herbicides are the most commonly used pesticide in homes and garden, with more than 90 million pounds used on lawns each year.

As a good rule of thumb, it’s best to leave the option of herbicides as a last resort. But sometimes nothing else seems to keep the weed population down enough. If your grass is overrun with weeds after you’ve tried the less invasive approaches, you can try the chemicals. Just try to use as little as necessary to still get the job done.

Follow the guidelines and make sure the herbicide you choose is appropriate for your specific lawn.

How to Get Rid of Weeds in Grass

You want your lawn looking lush, vibrant, soft and supportive for your bare feet. And, for that, you need to employ these strategies to keep your weed population down.

If you’re looking to spruce up your Milwaukee lawn for the upcoming season, check us out at Central Services.